Our Biggest Challenge So Far…

Our Biggest Challenge So Far…

The Big Question Everyone always asks us what the biggest challenge has been since we started our full-time RV journey 10 months ago.  Is it living in such a tiny space? Is it not having all of our stuff with us? Is it hard to pull the camper or park it? While...
Living with Less-Kitchen Edition

Living with Less-Kitchen Edition

One of the biggest questions we got when we told people we were selling our house and planning to live in a 30 ft RV was “What are you going to do with all of your stuff?” To be honest, we wondered the same thing!  We had lived in our house for almost 20 years...
The First Month…give or take…

The First Month…give or take…

How has it already been 4 months since we started this sell-the-house-live-in-an-RV adventure?? We have learned so many lessons that it feels like we are seasoned pros in some ways and in others, we feel like we are still getting our “RV” legs. Let me just say that we...

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